16th September 2024

Search Wickersley Parish Council

Working hard for the people of Wickersley

Planning Objections

Details of objections submitted on planning applications

These are the planning applications to which Wickersley Parish Council has objected.
Each record shows the date on which the objections were submitted to Rotherham Borough Council and the reasons for the objections.

Acting on behalf of parishioners, Wickersley Parish Council takes great care to review ALL Planning applications. When the decision is made to raise an objection considerable work goes into formulating the objection - ensuring the objections are based on 'material considerations' and taking account of the 'Cumulative Impact Zone' (CIZ) for Wickersley.


Land off Moat Lane – Erection of battery storage facility

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 25 January 2024

Wickersley Parish Council strongly object to this proposal on the grounds of inappropriate and incongruous development that would seriously impact on the openness of the Green Belt in this location. It would undermine it's purpose of separating the settlements of Wickersley and Thurcroft and safeguarding the countryside from encroachment.

It is not considered that the very special circumstances put forward by the applicant of assisting with energy self sufficiency and security are sufficient to outweigh the very significant harm. Whilst the National Planning Policy Framework says very special circumstances may include the wider benefits associated with increased production of energy from renewable sources, this proposal is not directly linked to production of renewable energy although the Parish Council do acknowledge the benefits to be gained from energy storage. There is already a battery storage facility linked to the substation and a further consent for a 85MW facility in a location to the south of the substation which would have far less impact on the openness of the Green Belt. There are no very special circumstances in this case that outweigh the harm that would be caused to the openness and purposes of this stretch of Green Belt land.

A smaller development was refused on this site and dismissed at appeal in 2018. The circumstances have not materially changed since that date to justify a different decision in this case. Indeed the much larger size of this site and the development would have a significantly greater impact to that previously refused.

It is also the case that a further proposal for energy storage by Harmony Energy is proposed on another site north of the substation, that proposal currently being at pre-application stage. The approval of this application by Newton Energy would therefore set a precedent for yet further encroachment into the Green Belt changing its whole character to one of industrialisation and seriously undermine the purposes of this stretch of Green Belt land.

It is also considered that the proposed access to the site via Green Lane which is only 2.5 metres wide in places, is inadequate to accommodate what will be a significant number of HGV and crane movements during the construction stage. The access track from Moat Lane is very narrow and would involve these vehicles having to reverse to the site access for a substantial distance. Whilst the applicants state that they would temporarily widen that access, there is no indication as to whether they have the agreement of the landowner for such. Green Lane is regularly used by pedestrians and runners and the access track, whilst not a public right of way, is used by dog walkers in particular. It is therefore considered that the use of both the narrow part of Green Lane and the access track for construction vehicles would result in a danger to other road users.

Due to the strength of feeling of the parish councillors, this application is supported additionally by the following named Councillors:

E Harwood

A Bates

C Grimes

J Barber

M Godfrey

J Robinson

G Pacey


45 Bawtry Road - Application of Lawful Development Certificate re: Construction of carport to front & alterations to boundary wall

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 24 November 2023

This application follows on from two refusals of planning permission for these unauthorised works and an unsuccessful appeal. It is assumed that it is a last ditch attempt by the applicants to avoid having to demolish the unauthorised works following enforcement action by the Council. However, a Lawful Development Certificate can only be granted if there is proof that the works were substantially completed more than 4 years before the date of the application. In this case, no such evidence has been submitted with the application and, on the application form, it states that the works were substantially completed on 1/08/2023. Furthermore, enforcement action was authorised in December 2022 when the first application was refused, so presumably, to be immune from enforcement action, the development would have had to be substantially complete more than 4 years before that date. The Parish Council is of the view that there is no basis for granting this certificate and that the structures should be demolished following enforcement action.


Tall Trees Moat Lane Wickersley - Application to undertake works to a tree(s) protected by TPO No. (No.10) 1995

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 24 November 2023

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the removal of the oak T4 because it is a healthy tree and has significant amenity value as seen from Cutlers Walk and open countryside to the east. This is the resubmission of an application refused in November 2022 because the Council's Tree Officer considered that no evidence had been submitted to positively identify the tree as a causal agent of the subsidence damage. The Parish Council is therefore of the view that consent should only be given to removal of the tree if the Tree Officer considers that the limited amount of additional evidence conclusively demonstrates that the damage is a direct result of the presence of this tree.


Morthen House, Morthen Lane - Permission in Principle for construction of a dwellinghouse

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 15 November 2023

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this development on the grounds that it comprises inappropriate development in the Green Belt and should be refused in accordance with national planning guidance and policy SP2 of the Rotherham Local Plan. The Parish Council do not accept the case put forward by the applicant that it represents limited infilling in a village. The small group of houses at this location do not constitute a village and it is not defined as a village washed over by the Green Belt as set out in Policy SP8 of the Rotherham Local Plan. The Parish Council also agree with the Highways Officer who considers the development is remote from the community facilities of both Thurcroft and Wickersley and therefore would be in an unsustainable location and be contrary to Local Plan Policy SP64 'Access to Community Facilities' and the objectives set out within NPPF.


75 Sycamore Avenue - Demolition of existing front porch and attached garage and erection of two storey front, side and rear and single storey front and rear extension, erection of new front boundary wall and widening of vehicle access

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 28 June 2023

Wickersley Parish Council has concerns about the proposed roof design on the two-storey side extension. The other half of this semi-detached property, as well as all the other houses on Sycamore Avenue, are designed with a hipped roof. However, the proposed extension incorporates a gable roof which will look incongruous in the street scene. It would therefore be contrary to the advice in the Rotherham Householder Design Guide which requires the roof style of two storey extensions to match that of the host property - where the semi is hipped, the extension should have a hipped roof. The PC is of the view that the proposed extension should be redesigned accordingly.


127B Bawtry Road Wickersley, The Yard - Application to vary condition 02 (opening hours) imposed by RB2016/0951

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 24 May 2023

Wickersley Parish Council does not object to the extension of opening hours so long as the premises continues to operate solely as a cafe/restaurant and do not operate partly as a drinking establishment during the evenings as this could lead to late night noise and nuisance as occurs at other premises within Wickersley centre. Wickersley has been designated as a Cumulative Impact Zone to prevent the further proliferation of drinking establishments and it is important that these premises do not operate partly in this way. It is therefore recommended that a condition be imposed to require the premises only to operate as a cafe/restaurant and for no other purpose.

Furthermore, there are a few outside tables serving these premises and it is important that these are not used late in the evening when noise and disturbance can occur. The Parish Council would therefore like to see a condition imposed that limits the occupation of outside tables to no later than 9 pm each evening. Such a condition has been imposed on other licensed premises such as The Garrison and Seasons Restaurant.

The applicants should also be made aware that it will also be necessary to apply for a variation of their premises licence.


Land rear of 138 Bawtry Road - detached dwelling house with integral double garage

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 24 May 2023

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this backland development because the size and scale of this development would represent an overdevelopment of the plot and be contrary to the Wickersley Design Code which requires backland development to be designed so that it is subservient to the host property. It would also harm the amenity of the occupants of No 136 by overlooking and overshadowing their rear garden thus reducing the privacy that they currently enjoy. It would therefore be contrary to policy SP12 of the Rotherham Local Plan in that regard.

The Parish Council is also concerned about the impact on mature trees along the rear boundary and side boundaries of this site. Whilst the tree reports suggest that those trees would be retained, there would be encroachment into the root spread and, given the very limited size of the rear garden area, there would be pressure to remove the trees as they will limit sunlight into the rear of the property given that they are located to the south.


2 Almond Glade - Conversion of bungalow into a two storey house including front/side/rear extensions and first floor balcony (revised application)

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 22 February 2023

Wickersley Parish Council are of the view that the revised application represents an improvement to the previously refused scheme given the introduction of pitched roofs. However, the proposed dwelling still provides insufficient reference to the characteristics of the locality and the extensive areas of glazing and the use of white render would result in a development that would look out of place and intrusive. This development would therefore not accord with the principles of the Design Code of the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan which requires new development to reinforce local character and vernacular. Nor does the application provide a local character appraisal in accordance with Policy GP1 of the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan


43 Bawtry Road - Construction of carport to front & alterations to boundary wall with tinted stone

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 22 February 2023

This application is the resubmission of an application refused on the grounds of the carport and alterations to the boundary wall being detrimental to the visual amenity of the streetscene in this location. The only difference with the current application is the offer to tint the new part of the walling to try to match it with the existing and submission of examples of high walling on the other side of Bawtry Road. The Parish Council, however, does not consider it materially alters the situation. The higher walling in this case looks incongruous because it contrasts with the height of walling on either side of the property rather than representing a long continuous stretch as in the other cases cited. The difference in colour is also very apparent and it is by no means certain that tinting the stone would provide a weathered appearance that would reduce the visual impact. Furthermore, the high walling is only required to screen the car port which itself is obtrusive in this location in front of the property.

In view of the above, Wickersley Parish Council sees no reason why this application should now be approved and continues to object on the grounds of its detrimental visual impact on the streetscape in a very prominent position on Bawtry Road,


Tudor Lodge, 1A Aireton Close - Erection of single storey front & rear extension and raised ground levels to provide level access

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 20 January 2023

Wickersley Parish Council are concerned about the impact of this proposal on the residential amenity of the neighbouring property at 119A Northfield Lane. The large front extension will be at a considerably higher level than the adjacent bungalow, and the view from the kitchen window and rear garden of that property will be directly onto the blank wall of the extension, which lies in close to the boundary between the two properties. The Parish Council considers this would result in an unacceptable, overbearing outlook for the neighbours and be contrary to the Design Guidance in the Householder Design Guide which states that: 'An extension close to a habitable room window of a neighbouring property, or to its private garden, should not have an overbearing effect on that property or an unreasonable effect on its outlook.'


St Albans Church, Church Lane, Wickersley - Application to undertake works to a tree(s) protected by TPO No. (No.8) 1975

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 20 January 2023

Wickersley Parish Council have concerns about the proposed work to these two large mature trees, which make a significant amenity contribution to the street scene. There is no indication of the extent of the works proposed or the reason why such pruning is necessary. If the overhanging branches were cut back to the church boundary, it would seriously unbalance the appearance of the trees and seriously affect their amenity value within Wickersley Conservation Area. The Parish Council therefore objects to the application unless the works proposed can be shown to have minimal detriment to the visual appearance of the trees.


45 Bawtry Road - Construction of carport to front & alterations to boundary wall

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 14 December 2022

Wickersley Parish Council is of the view that the high walling which has already been constructed looks out of keeping with the height of the surrounding boundary walling in a very prominent location on Bawtry Road. They therefore object to this retrospective application.


Tall Trees, Moat lane - Works to trees protected by TPO

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 04 November 2022

Wickersley Parish Council object to the removal of the oak T4 because it is a healthy tree which has amenity value as seen from Cutlers Walk and open countryside to the east. Consent should only be given to its removal if the Council's tree officer is of the opinion that any damage caused to the conservatory is as a direct result of the presence of this tree.

The application also seeks consent to reduce the height of poplars at the rear of the site by 30%. The poplars within G8 have already been reduced in height under a consent granted at 68, Cutlers Walk. However, the original application for a 50% reduction was refused (RB2021/1354), with consent subsequently granted for a 30% reduction only. However, it would appear that the tree works carried out have, in fact, reduced the height by 50% and the resultant effect is that the amenity value of the trees has been seriously affected. This matter should therefore be investigated by the Council's tree officer.

The 3 trees within group G6 have not yet been reduced in height and it is important that any consent granted should be for no more than a 30% reduction and that the works are monitored by the Council's tree officer to ensure compliance.


2 Almond Glade - Conversion of a bungalow into a two story house including extensions to front, side and rear and first floor balconies

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 04 November 2022

This application effectively seeks to rebuild the existing bungalow to create a very modern two storey house of a radically different design to anything within this neighbourhood or indeed within Wickersley. The Parish Council do not object, in principle, to provision of a modern style of house in this location but it should have some reference to the characteristics of the locality in accordance with the principles set out in the Design Guide of the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan. This requires new development to reinforce local character and vernacular and for replacement dwellings (which in effect this is) to respond to the defining characteristics of their immediate context. The proposed style of housing with flat roofs and very substantial areas of glazing bears no relationship to the character of housing in this locality and should be redesigned so that it fits more comfortably within its setting. Furthermore the proposed use of white render for the walls would look entirely out of place in an area where all existing housing is constructed of brick and stone.

The Parish Council are therefore of the view that this dwelling should be redesigned to respond to local character in accordance with Policy GP1 of the Neighbourhood Plan and that the application should be accompanied by a local character appraisal as required by that policy.

The Parish Council are also concerned about the inclusion of first floor balconies as this would result in unacceptable overlooking of neighbouring properties and gardens.


Summerfield Lodge, Moat Lane, Wickersley - construction of a new access

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 12 October 2022

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this development. This application provides for the construction of a new access with visibility splays which will involve the removal of a significant hedgerow along the Moat Lane/Green Lane frontage. The site lies within the Green Belt and the hedgerow makes an important contribution to the rural character of this area. It's removal to allow for the creation of a new access and visibility splay would also open up the site so that the buildings (mainly portacabins) would be very visible rather than screened from public view. This would have an adverse visual impact and cause harm to the Green Belt. Furthermore, this development is considered to comprise inappropriate development in the Green Belt and no special circumstances have been put forward to justify the creation of a new access in addition to that which already exists.

RB2021/2130 and 2131

186, Bawtry Road, Wickersley - Amended Plans

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 11 August 2022

Wickersley Parish Council has considered the amended proposals for these two applications, which are not materially different to the last set of amended plans to which the Parish Council lodged a strong objection.

The Parish Council therefore continues to object to both applications on the same basis as before, but would make the following additional observations:

  • The highway works required by the previously approved application have now been implemented but this has not improved the situation for the reasons anticipated in our previous response. Vehicles are now parking on the double yellow lines along Fairways and Bawtry Road, often very close to the junction as well as on the land on the opposite side of Fairways where the recycling bins were previously located. And, despite the presence of bollards, some vehicles are still managing to drive inside of them and parking on the footway, as the attached photograph demonstrates.
  • Given that the servicing door for the KFC unit is on the front of the building, the delivery vehicles have no choice but to park on Bawtry Road, thereby blocking one of the carriageways and requiring vehicles travelling at some speed to have to pull out into the outside lane to pass. This is a serious highway danger and an entirely unsatisfactory servicing arrangement given the level and speed of traffic on this major route. It is understood that this part of Bawtry Road is a clearway, such that vehicles should not be stopping at any time.

These observations by the Parish Council are backed up by the responses submitted by local residents, all of whom are very concerned about and inconvenienced by the KFC operation. This is simply an entirely inappropriate location for a hot food takeaway facility.

The Parish Council would therefore request that the change of use application is refused in the interests of highway safety, and the advertisement application refused on the basis of the excessive level and type of advertisement being out of keeping with and harmful to the character of Wickersley.


Land off Second Lane, Wickersley - Works to a tree protected by RMBC TPO No. 02, 2017

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 20 July 2022

This tree is a mature oak located at the entrance to the new development and makes a very valuable amenity contribution. Wickersley Parish Council consider that the only works that should be approved are those which the arboricultural officer considers are necessary for public safety and for the future health of this important specimen tree, without adversely affecting its amenity value.


The Masons PH, Bawtry Road - Erection of pergola and 5 seating cabins

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 05 May 2022

Wickersley Parish Council strongly objects to this application on the grounds that this would significantly add to existing noise and other nuisance such as anti- social behaviour, crime and disorder already experienced by local residents from this venue as well as other drinking venues in Wickersley.

This objection needs to be put into the context of Wickersley being recognised by the Council as already being saturated with licensed premises which results in significant adverse impacts for local residents. This resulted in Wickersley being designated as a Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ) where no new or varied alcohol licenses are permitted unless it can be demonstrated that this will not add to the cumulative impact already felt from existing licensed premises in the area. Unfortunately, the alcohol licence for the Mason's predates these restrictions and it has a licence to sell alcohol until 2am at weekends with closing time not until 2.30. This licence extends to the outdoor areas as well as within the premises. Furthermore, there are few conditions on the licence to help limit the noise and disturbance caused to local residents especially late at night.

The Mason's is the largest drinking establishment in Wickersley and attracts a high number of customers from a wide area. There have been numerous complaints from residents about the problems associated with this venue over many years and the results of the consultation of the CIZ showed that outside drinking resulting in noise and other nuisance was one of the biggest concerns of residents. It is also the case that the residential area behind this pub had the largest number of recorded incidents of crime and disorder in the area.

The Mason's already has an outside bar and seating area at the front of the premises and an enclosed pergola type structure on the west side of the premises. Whilst the area now the subject of this application, currently has moveable seating and a temporary pergola (without planning permission) the provision of permanent covered seating areas with heating and lighting would be significantly different as it would enable customers to use those areas at all times of year, in inclement weather and until very late at night. The outdoor seating areas will be located close to residential property on Bawtry Road and Northfield Lane which would lead to significant noise nuisance late at night especially as alcohol tends to fuel raucous behaviour. This outdoor noise would travel easily and affect a large number of residents over and above that currently experienced. Given the late licensing hours it is entirely unacceptable to allow a development that would exacerbate existing noise nuisance in a location which the Council has acknowledged requires additional controls to limit adverse impacts on local residents.

The lack of consideration of the licensee for local residents has already been demonstrated by a planning application in 2020 for removal of a condition to allow external music to be played. Whilst this was refused and dismissed at appeal, it demonstrates that there is no attempt made to contain the noise from this venue and little concern about the welfare of its neighbours. Furthermore, this pub has held a number of festivals at August bank holiday when noise levels, particularly from loud music being played, led to Noise Abatement Notices being issued. If planning consent is granted for these permanent seating areas, little confidence can be placed in the licensee exercising any control over the level of noise and other nuisance that could arise.

It is also the case that the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan shortly to be the subject of a referendum, recognises the nuisance caused by drinking establishments in particular and includes a policy to restrict any further premises being used for such. In this context, it would therefore be against the spirit of this policy to permit an existing pub to intensify the use of its external drinking areas and add to the nuisance already being experienced in Wickersley.

Furthermore, it is the view of the Parish Council that the erection of five timber cabins that look like beach huts would be visually intrusive given their prominent location at a very busy roundabout junction. They would be out of character with the area and only partly screened by the existing boundary hedging.

This objection is submitted on behalf of Wickersley Parish Council as well individual objections by the following people:

Cllr S Ellis

Cllr P Thirlwall

Cllr P Beighton

Cllr C Grimes

Cllr B McNealy

Cllr A Bates


Seasons Restaurant, 151-153 Bawtry Road - Raised decking area to front to provide outdoor dining space

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted on 27 April 2022

Wickersley Parish Council is concerned that this proposal could result in late night use of this outdoor dining area given the original consent for change of use permits the restaurant to open until midnight. This could lead to late night noise and disturbance to local residents that would exacerbate existing problems in Wickersley arising from the large number of licensed premises. This issue has already been recognised by the Council, resulting in designation of Wickersley as a Cumulative Impact Zone that seeks to prevent further adverse impacts from licensed premises such as this. The Parish Council would therefore object to this application unless a condition is imposed to limit the use of the outdoor seating area to 22.00 hours on Friday and Saturday and 21.00 on other days of the week. This would be consistent with the approach taken at the Garrison, 129, Bawtry Road, where the planning consent permits the outdoor seating areas to only be used up until this time. Given that noise travels much more easily in outdoor locations, this condition is considered necessary to prevent an exacerbation of existing late night noise issues experienced by local residents.


46 Goose Lane - Application to undertake works to a tree(s) protected by TPO No. 14 (2020)

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 27 April 2022

Wickersley Parish Council wish to object to the removal of any of these TPO'd trees on the grounds that they have public amenity value as they are visible from Goose Lane, and are also clearly visible from a number of surrounding houses and valued by the residents. The trees were shown to be retained when planning consent was granted for the two new houses and were assessed as being in good condition. The importance of their retention was emphasised by the TPO placed on the trees at that time which reinforced an earlier TPO from 2018. There does not, therefore, appear to be any justification for removal of five trees. The Parish Council has no objection to limited pruning of the larger trees if the tree officer considers this would be prudent in their long-term interest.


2 Goose Lane - Demolition of 2 bungalows and erection of 8 flats in 2 storey blocks

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 23 March 2022

Wickersley Parish Council object to the proposed development on the grounds that it is of an inappropriate scale in relation to the adjacent bungalows and will adversely affect the outlook from Goose Lane at its junction with Bawtry Road. The scheme represents an overdevelopment of the site with little room for landscaping and amenity space and is out of character with this area contrary to the Wickersley Design Code.

The scheme would also add additional traffic in a street which is already heavily congested with parked cars due to the proximity of Wickersley Comprehensive School.

Application RB2022/0401 - Amended application May 2022

Wickersley Parish Council additional representation submitted 09 June 2022

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the amended scheme for a number of reasons, as follows:

  • The area is characterised by mature one and two storey dwellings of traditional design set back from the highway, with established front garden treatments and generous landscaping. The proposal to erect a large single block of flats on this site would be entirely out of character with the area by virtue of its scale and massing, and the coverage of the site. It would dwarf the adjacent bungalows on Bawtry Road as well as the existing two storey housing on Goose Lane as can be seen from the submitted street scene.
  • The location of the block of flats on the corner of Bawtry Road and Goose Lane would result in a development which projects well in front of the building lines of both streets. It will therefore be visually obtrusive and introduce an incongruous feature in the street which is harmful and out of keeping with the character and appearance of the area. It is particularly relevant that a proposed detached garage opposite the site, at 1 Goose Lane, which was to be sited well in front of the properties in that street, was refused on those grounds and this decision was supported at appeal with the Inspector stating that a garage in that location would look extremely prominent and incongruous within the locality. It would therefore be entirely inappropriate to allow a much larger and highly prominent development immediately opposite that site which would project well in front of the established building lines. It would be extremely discordant and much more incongruous in the street scene than the garage which was refused.
  • There is a spacious quality to the current street scene, and this is a positive characteristic which is highly valued by local residents. Front garden areas are generous and well landscaped. The proposed development and car parking would, in contrast, cover most of the site leaving little room for landscaping and amenity space. It would therefore dramatically harm the landscape character of this area and represents an overdevelopment of the site in the context of this area.
  • The scale and siting of this building would harm the residential amenity of the adjacent dwellings as it would dominate the outlook from those properties by virtue of its projection well in front in front of the building line. The location of the access road immediately adjacent to properties on Farringdon Court will also result in noise and disturbance to the occupiers of those properties.
  • This is a prominent corner site which makes it particularly important to create a high quality building of exemplary design. Instead, what is proposed is a large block of flats with a bland and utilitarian appearance. It makes no attempt to create a modern distinctive building of high quality, nor does it attempt to incorporate design features characteristic of the more traditional buildings in this locality. In that regard it does not comply with policy SP55 of the Rotherham Local Plan that requires development to be of high quality and to positively contribute to local character and distinctiveness of the area.
  • Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan has recently been adopted and one of its policies, GP1, requires all development proposals to comply with the guidance set out in the Wickersley Design Code and for them to demonstrate how they respond to local character through submission of a local character appraisal. This application does not comply with that policy as the Design Code requires replacement dwellings to respond to the defining characteristics of their immediate context. Building heights, plot widths, building lines, and scale and massing should be respected and referenced and informed by a robust site appraisal. No such appraisal has been carried out and the development most certainly does not respect the current development character of this area for the reasons set out above.
  • The proposal now provides for only 10 parking spaces plus 1 disabled space for a development of 8 dwellings. This is less than Rotherham Council's requirement of 1.5 spaces for each flat. This lack of parking for residents and visitors is particularly concerning given the congested nature of Goose Lane due to parked cars from Wickersley High School, particularly at school pick-up and drop-off times. 8 additional flats with insufficient parking will therefore exacerbate an existing problem on Goose Lane as evidenced by the number of objections by local residents to this scheme.

The high number of objections from local residents demonstrates the strength of local feeling against this proposal on a number of grounds. The well-considered views of local residents should be respected and this application refused on a number of grounds as set out above.


3 Church Court - Demolition of existing garage and erection of detached two storey outbuilding to rear and installation of electric gate

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 23 March 2022

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this proposal which is located within Wickersley Conservation Area and in a prominent location as seen from the public footpath which runs alongside and is well used by the public. This proposed two storey structure would be visually obtrusive and cause harm to the character of Wickersley Conservation Area due to its height and mass and inappropriate location in relation to other buildings. As such it would be contrary to conservation policies in Rotherham Local Plan. It is also contrary to policy GP5 (Design and Development in the Conservation Area) of the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan which has now reached an advanced stage so that weight should be attached to its policies.


22 Woodside Court - Application to remove oak tree subject of a TPO

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted on 23 March 2022

Wickersley Parish Council consider that this large mature oak makes a very significant contribution to the visual amenity of Woodside Close given its prominent position in the street scene. Its loss would therefore be regrettable unless it is considered to be unsafe and a danger to property or people. No such evidence has been provided as part of this application. The application should therefore be accompanied by an arboricultural report which looks to manage the tree through removal of dead or unsafe branches together with appropriate pruning to allow it to be retained whilst taking account of its location close to residential property.


186, Bawtry Road, Wickersley

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 27 January 2022

Wickersley Parish Council has already submitted an objection to the above planning application for sub-division and change of use to three restaurants with hot food take away service together with external alterations and advertisements.

Since that objection was submitted, the front part of the premises opened as a KFC facility before Christmas. It is appreciated that there is an existing consent for change of use of that part of the premises to a restaurant with hot food takeaway, but consent has not been granted for the external alterations carried out and, more significantly, the highway works required to supposedly ensure highway safety have not been implemented. The result is traffic chaos and the Parish Council have been receiving many complaints about this from the local community, with many local residents astounded that the planning authority has allowed this situation to prevail.

As we anticipated in the objection already lodged, any hot food takeaway provision in this location would result in customers and delivery drivers parking as close as possible to the premises given the lack of on-site parking and delivery facilities. This is exactly what is happening, with vehicles regularly parking on the double yellow lines along Fairways and Bawtry Road. Additionally, vehicles, including large delivery vehicles, are pulling up onto the forecourt and pavement on Bawtry Road. This is a very dangerous situation as the vehicles are backing or pulling out onto the very busy lines of traffic travelling along a strategic route. They are also causing safety issues for pedestrians who are having to walk into the highway in order to get round the vehicles as well as reported incidents of people crossing the very busy Bawtry Road to get to the KFC at a location that does not have a safe crossing facility. There are also reported problems of larger vehicles causing congestion on Bawtry Road when turning left as they are unable to get round the corner due to parked vehicles on the footpath.

We are sending photos to demonstrate some of the problems described above, to help you appreciate the gravity of the situation which requires urgent attention by the planning and highway departments. We would request that KFC be required to stop trading until they have, at the very least, implemented the highway safety measures submitted with the previous application (RB2019/1038) and which were required through condition 5 of that consent. The highway works showed the existing dropped kerb access to Bawtry Road being closed and the kerb line reinstated. It also showed concrete bollards being installed around the whole of the Bawtry Road frontage and returning round the corner along Fairways. This would at least prevent the problem of vehicles parking on the footpaths and pulling out onto Bawtry Road.

The above problem demonstrates the unsuitability of this location for any take away facility because, even if the above mitigation measures are implemented, customers and delivery drivers will still park on the highway despite double yellow lines because of the lack of alternative provision in close proximity to the premises. Whilst there is parking on the Tanyard, it is often difficult to find a space and some customers are just too lazy to park there and walk, preferring to park illegally instead. The lack of on-site servicing provision also means that heavy goods vehicles serving KFC have no option but to pull up on Bawtry Road given that is where the delivery access is located. This is a dangerous situation and should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Whilst it is appreciated that planning consent has already been granted for one takeaway facility in the premises, it is incumbent on the planning authority to find a satisfactory highway solution to the above problems. Furthermore, it demonstrates that no further consent should be given to intensify that use by allowing a further two takeaway facilities, which can only exacerbate the traffic and parking issues already being experienced from one fast food outlet.

In addition to the above, the Parish Council is also receiving complaints about increased litter in the Tanyard area from customers throwing away their empty food and drink packaging as well as chicken bones and uneaten food. Furthermore, complaints have been received about KFC food rubbish being dumped on top of the rubble and skips in the rear yard area. This matter has been followed up by Environmental Health but again illustrates the point that the provision of 3 fast food take away units in this location will result in an unacceptable level of concentrated littering.

Please could these serious highway concerns be attended to as a matter of urgency, and inform the Parish Council of action taken.


186 Bawtry Road, Wickersley - Sub division and change of use to three restaurants with hot food take away/delivery service (use Class E/sui generis) with external alterations including demolition of front extension , ramped access and external seating to Bawtry Road and installation of new shop fronts.

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 14 December 2021

Wickersley Parish Council wish to object to this proposal in the strongest of terms as follows:

  • This is an application for three fast food outlets which in themselves are not suited to the character of Wickersley as a good quality independent retail and service centre. Whilst planning permission has already been granted for one restaurant with hot food take away facilities on part of this site, the current proposal would significantly increase the intensity of such a use on the whole of this site and is entirely unacceptable
  • The type of units proposed would trade in such a way that a significant amount of business would be as a take away facility. Whilst such uses would not be contrary to policy SP 19 of the Rotherham Local Plan as the premises are located outside of the main shopping area, it would be contrary to policy SP 22 on hot food take aways. That policy requires no more than 2 hot food take aways to be located adjacent to each other. Given that the premises are located next to Seven Seas fish and chip shop, this proposal would result in 4 hot food outlets being clustered together contrary to that policy.
  • Policy SP 22 also requires no more than 10% of ground floor units to be hot food take aways within defined town and district centres such as Wickersley. There are 78 commercial units within the defined district centre and 5 existing hot food take aways. This proposal would bring this number to 8 so that it would breach the 10% limit within that policy
  • Policy SP 22 also requires hot food take aways not to negatively impact upon the amenity of surrounding businesses or residents taking account of highway safety and parking, hours of operation, control of odours and cooking smells, litter and waste disposal and crime and anti-social behaviour. In this case the premises will have residential accommodation at first floor level, and are located close to residential property at the rear of the site off Companions Close as well and residential apartments above the shops on the Tanyard. The intensive use of these premises for 3 hot food take away facilities will result in significant impact on residential amenity due to litter, cooking smells as well as parking issues which are also dealt with below. The hours of operation from 7am to 11 pm every night of the week is also likely to result in noise from customers lingering around the area whilst eating their food which would be particularly intrusive during the late evening period. The prospect of anti social behaviour from people leaving drinking establishments and then visiting the hot food facilities is also very real, adding to the significant issues already experienced in Wickersley from the increasing number of licensed premises. The provision of an outside seating area fronting Bawtry Road would also encourage customers buying take away meals to remain on the premises and result in late night noise issues for local residents. It should be noted that the Companions Close development comprises retirement apartments and these residents may be particularly sensitive to noise and anti social behaviour .
  • The proposed 3 hot food take away facilities would also be contrary to SPD - Healthy and Equal Communities. This policy states that planning permission will not be granted for any new hot food take aways or hybrid uses including such uses where the proposals are within 800 metres of a primary school, secondary school , special school or tertiary college. In this case the proposal would result in 3 such uses within 800 meters of Wickersley Secondary school and on a direct route home for many pupils. It is also considerably less than 800 metres from St Albans Primary and Northfield Primary. This was one of the reasons, supported on appeal ,for refusal of a hot food take away facility at 240, Bawtry Road located within the Tanyard. In this case the provision of three hot food take away facilities would result in a serious public health concern for the young people of Wickersley
  • The proposal provides only 3 parking spaces within the rear yard to serve these 3 proposed units. The application does not state how many employees are expected to work on the premises but given the intensity of the proposed uses, this could amount to a significant number ,many of whom are likely to travel to work by car. The provision of 3 parking spaces would be completely inadequate leading to a significant amount of parking within the surrounding residential streets given that parking within the Tanyard is time limited. This would result in congestion and inconvenience for local residents in a situation whereby on street parking demand is already at a premium around the district centre.
  • The proposed intensity and type of use would result in a high number of service and delivery vehicles visiting the site on a daily basis adding to existing congestion and resulting in a highway hazard. There is no room within the rear yard for service vehicles to pull off the highway which will mean they will have no option but to park on Fairways despite double yellow lines along that part of the road. In addition there would be a significant number of vehicles providing a delivery service especially during the evening period when demand will be at its greatest. The application shows delivery windows at both the front and rear of the site which will mean taxis and motor bikes that are generally used for customer deliveries pulling up on Fairways close to the junction with Bawtry Road despite parking restrictions. This will undoubtedly result in a highway hazard given that vehicles also exit the Tanyard at this point . There have already been complaints from local residents about the number of contractors vehicles causing congestion and parking issues so it is not difficult to see the problems that will arise from the development itself . Vehicles are also likely to stop on Bawtry Road which is a very busy primary route thus creating a dangerous situation close to this busy junction. This level of vehicular activity will also result in noise and disturbance to nearby residential properties . This location is completely unsuitable for the level of vehicular activity associated with three fast food restaurants /cafes that provide a high level of take away trade.
  • The provision of a large bin store fronting Fairways would be visually intrusive in the street scene .
  • The shop front designs and excessive level of advertisements on the property are completely out of keeping with the district centre and would be contrary to SP59 'Shop Front Design'. This policy requires shop fronts to be designed to respect the character of the whole building and the overall character of the street scene. The SPD on shop front design reinforces this policy and adds to the Local Plan policy. It states that facias for signage should be of an appropriate size and not deeper than 20% of the shop front's overall height; over cluttering of signage will not be supported and have regard to the overall design and surrounding area; shopfront signage should be illuminated in a discreet manner ; as a general rule only one projecting or hanging sign will be allowed per shop . In this case the facias are unacceptably deep; there is an unacceptable cluttering of illuminated signage along the whole of the front and side elevations; there is additional intrusive and garish signage on the front elevations including bucket signs and the character of illuminated signage is completely out of character with that generally found elsewhere within the district centre.
  • In addition to the intrusive and unacceptable signage on the building itself, it is proposed to erect a freestanding totem sign on the Bawtry Road frontage with an overall height of 10 metres with the signage itself being 3.6 metres by 2.4 metres. There is no signage of this nature elsewhere in Wickersley and it would be extremely obtrusive and visually offensive in a very prominent location on a very busy principle road. Given the high volumes of traffic flow on Bawtry Road, and its substantial size, it could also be a distracting feature for drivers and therefore represent a traffic hazzard.
  • In conclusion, this proposal is contrary to a number of adopted planning policies; it is entirely out of keeping with Wickersley District Centre resulting in an intrusive form of development due to inappropriate shop front design and garish, excessive advertisements; would result in significant harm to residential amenity; parking and servicing issues as well as creating highway danger. We trust that the application will be therefore be refused.

In addition to the objection by Wickersley Parish Council, the following councillors object individually (contact via parish council):

Miss E Boswell

Mrs P Beighton

Mr P Thirlwall

Mrs S Ellis

Mr N Judah

Mrs M Woodhead


84 Morthen Road, Wickersley - Applications to undertake works to trees protected by TPO

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 19 October 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the felling of these trees as they form part of a wooded backdrop along this part of Morthen Road and are an important amenity feature. The trees do not appear to have outgrown their location and do not overshadow the property. There does not, therefore, appear to be any justification for their removal.


1 Morthen View - Application to vary condition 07 (removal of boundary hedge) imposed by RB2016/1637

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 22 September 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this application on the following grounds:

The hedge is part of a soft landscape feature along this part of Morthen Road which has hedging to the north and south. This is an important feature as was recognised when the condition was imposed with the planning officer stating in the report that "It is considered that the retention of the site's Morthen Road frontage is important to this semi-rural locality and this should be controlled via the imposition of an appropriately worded condition". There is no justification for removal of the condition given that the hedging continues to form part of the soft landscaping along this part of Morthen Road which lies adjacent to the Green Belt.

The PC objected to the removal of this hedge as part of application RB2021/1087 for erection of two outbuildings and erection of a garden wall and fencing in place of this hedging. The PC's objection to the removal of the condition which protects this hedge is therefore consistent with our previous objection.


4 Gillott Lane - Demolition of existing bungalow & erection 1 No. dwellinghouse

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 23 August 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this application on the following grounds:

  • The scale, height and positioning of a large two storey dwelling in front of the general building line on the north side of Gillott Lane will result in an obtrusive and overly dominant development within the street scene and as seen from the residential properties on the opposite side of this narrow lane. Whilst the existing bungalow is also located forward of the general building line, a large two storey building of a greater height than its neighbours will be much more imposing and dominant in the street scene than the existing single storey bungalow.
  • The property is located within Wickersley Conservation Area where it is the policy for all new developments to ensure the preservation and enhancement of its special architectural and historic character. It is considered that the proposed development will harm the character of the conservation area due to its inappropriate scale, height and positioning.
  • The proposed development will have an adverse impact on the amenities enjoyed by the residents of 4A Gillott Lane. The erection of a two storey property close to the boundary and forward of the neighbouring property will result in an unacceptable outlook and loss of sunlight and daylight enjoyed by the occupants of No 4A.
  • The proposed development will also directly overlook residential properties on the opposite side of Gillott Lane and result in loss of privacy enjoyed by the residents of those properties, especially No's 17/19 Gillott Lane which are located at the back edge of pavement with habitable room windows in the front elevation.
  • The proposed development will result in the unacceptable loss of a large birch tree located at the front of the application site and which makes a valuable amenity contribution to the street scene and conservation area.


68 Cutlers Walk - Application to undertake works to TPO'd trees

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 21 July 2021

Wickersley Parish Council wishes to raise concerns about the proposed reduction in the height of these trees by 50%. These poplar trees are clearly visible from public vantage points and a number of properties within this new estate. The reduction in their height by up to 50% will result in the trees no longer being visible above the height of the properties in Cutlers Walk and their amenity value within the street scene will be lost. The applicant would have been fully aware of the presence of the trees and their shading effect when the property was recently purchased. It is therefore suggested that height reduction be more limited so that the trees are still visible from Cutlers Walk or that they are thinned to reduce the level of shading experienced.


1 Morthen View - Erection of 2No. ancillary outbuildings to rear garden, erection of boundary wall and extension to existing entrance fencing

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 21 July 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the removal of the existing hedging along the boundary with Morthen Road and its replacement with brick walling and fencing. This would create a hard landscape feature within an otherwise soft boundary of hedging to the north and south of this property within a semi-rural location adjacent to the Green Belt.

The PC wishes to see this application amended to retain the hedge in its entirety and will require the relocation of one of the outbuildings to accommodate this.


8 Spruce Avenue - Demolition of existing garage and erection of two storey side extension & detached single garage

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 23 June 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the relocation of the garage in the front garden area of this property as it will represent an obtrusive feature which is not in keeping with the street scene.


7 Patterdale Grove - Application to undertake works to a tree(s) protected by RMBC TPO No. 10, 2010

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 23 June 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the removal of protected trees unless it can be demonstrated that they pose a safety risk or are in poor health and have little amenity value. This application should therefore be accompanied by an arboricultural report to justify the grounds for its removal on safety grounds as put forward by the applicants.


71 Goose Lane - Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of single dwelling

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 23 June 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this application on the grounds that the height and bulk of the proposed two and a half story dwelling will be out of keeping with the immediate vicinity, which primarily comprises bungalows and dormer bungalows, and result in an overly dominant development which creates a discordant feature in the street scene. Furthermore, the proposed development will result in the loss of a number of boundary trees which make a significant amenity contribution to the street scene.

The Parish Council would also like to point out that there is a significant discrepancy between the site plan and the plans shown in the arboricultural report. The proposed dwelling is shown located further back into the site within the arboricultural report and also shows a larger dwelling. If the correct location is that shown on the site plan then the impact on the trees will be different to that specified in the arboricultural report.


284 Bawtry Road - Use of land as outdoor seating area

Wickersley Parish Council additional comments submitted on 20 May 2021, following receipt of noise assessment report

Following the submission of the Noise Assessment the Parish Council wishes to maintain its objection to this application. This noise report is flawed as it is based on a theoretical assessment rather than on readings taken when the outdoor seating area was in use. It assumes a certain level of noise from 36 patrons dining in the outdoor eating area with half speaking simultaneously at normal speaking level. However, it does not take account that many of these patrons will have been drinking and that the noise associated with licensed premises is often from raised excited voices, laughter, shouting, shrieking etc. It is therefore not possible to model the expected noise levels against the measured ambient and background noise levels mainly associated with traffic noise from Morthen and Bawtry Roads.

Furthermore, the baseline noise survey was taken from a single monitoring position to the rear of No 3 Morthen Road. That is likely to produce higher background readings to that experienced within the rear garden areas of the nearest properties because they are screened by high boundary walls and the dwellings themselves which would reduce the noise from traffic. However, a noise source from the seating area located so close to rear garden areas would more easily be heard by residents trying to enjoy their garden areas or the inside of their homes with windows open in the summer. The noise and nuisance experienced by local residents when the seating area was used without consent last summer is clearly demonstrated by the objections raised to this application citing noise problems during the afternoons and evenings, during weekends in particular. Furthermore, if planning consent is granted it would encourage the wider grassy area to be used for outdoor drinking, further adding to noise problems from patrons in the seated area.

It is also relevant to note that, licensing regulations have been relaxed to take account of the Covid situation and premises such as this that only have a licence for sale of alcohol on the premises as in this case, can temporarily sell alcohol for consumption off the premises. This temporary relaxation will last until at least September and may be extended for a further year. If planning permission is granted for 'W' to use this outside area then they would be able to sell alcohol for drinking in that outside area without any variation to their existing licence, which would otherwise be considered in the context of the Cumulative Impact policy that applies to the whole of Wickersley in recognition of the issues caused through the number of licensed premises within Wickersley centre.


Land rear of Thornfield, Lings Lane - Demolition of existing garage, formation of new access and erection of 4 No. dwellinghouses

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 22 April 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the development for a number of reasons, as follows:

  • Lings Lane comprises a mix of dwelling types from detached to small historic terraced cottages. The proposed backland development would be out of keeping with the area by virtue of the size, scale and density of the housing and lack of opportunity for landscaping, which is a characteristic feature of this part of Wickersley. As such the development would be in conflict with policy SP12 of the Rotherham Local Plan.
  • The development would be visually intrusive as seen from the cottages to the west of the site contrary to policy SP12 of the Rotherham Local Plan.
  • The development would involve the removal of all trees and vegetation within the site as well as loss of trees on the Lings Lane frontage to make provision for the access. The frontage trees make a valuable contribution to the street scene and the lack of landscaping within the development site to soften the development will result in a stark urban form out of keeping with this area.
  • The access to the site will be located in very close proximity to two existing properties causing unacceptable disturbance from vehicular movements associated with the 4 new dwellings.


5 Aldam Chase - Application to undertake works to a tree(s) protected by TPO No.7 (2008)

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 22 April 2021

Wickersley Parish Council object to the felling of these two trees which have amenity value and can be seen from Morthen Road. They appear to be healthy trees and there is no justifiable basis for their removal.


65 Moorlands - Single storey front and rear extensions, first floor extensions, new pitched roof with front dormer to create rooms in the roofspace

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 19 March 2021

Wickersley PC objects to this application on the grounds that the creation of a large two storey property in this location would create an overly dominant and discordant building in relation to the adjacent dwellings both of which comprise single storey bungalows. The scale and height of the building would therefore be out of character with this particular part of Moorlands.


1 Goose Lane - Erection of a detached garage

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 19 March 2021

Wickersley PC consider that the garage would be visually intrusive in the street scene given its location in front of the building line of properties on Goose Lane. The garage would be located in a very prominent position and would obscure the Goose Lane vista as seen from Bawtry Road and be seen as an incongruous feature which is out of keeping with the area.


129 Bawtry Road Wickersley - Change of Use to drinking establishment (Use Class Sui Generis) with decking area to front for seating pods

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted 12 February 2021

RB2016/1286 (Appeal)

Mason's Arms Public House - Application to remove condition 4 (no external music to be played)

Wickersley Parish Council reaffirmed its objection on 19 January 2021.


6, Holly Mount, - two storey and single storey front and side extension and erection of a detached garage/gym to rear.

Wickersley Parish Council Objection Submitted on 19 January 2021

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this application on the grounds that the scale and design of the extensions are inappropriate for and out of keeping with this area . Furthermore, it is located far too close to properties in Dene Close and the sun terrace will overlook the rooms and gardens of those properties as well as resulting in noise nuisance. The two story garage and gym is also located very close to the rear boundary of No 2, Beacon Close resulting in unacceptable overshadowing of the rear garden area and an unacceptable outlook.


240 Bawtry Road - Change of Use

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted on 16 December 2020

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the change of use of this property to a hot food takeaway because it is located within the Primary Shopping Frontage identified in the Rotherham Local Plan where both policy SP20 and 22 seeks to restrict such uses to other parts of the district centre outside of the primary frontage.

The applicant maintains that policy SP20 is outdated and no longer applicable due to the recent changes in the use classes order which introduces a new E class to cover many town centre uses including the old A2 and A3 uses which policy SP20 also seeks to limit in terms of the percentage acceptable within primary frontages. However, that does not invalidate the overall thrust of the policy to permit only certain town centre uses within the primary frontages and to direct the sui generis drinking establishments and hot food takeaways to the more peripheral parts of the centre so as not to undermine the retail attraction of the centre. There are opportunities for hot food takeaways to locate outside of the primary shopping area without further undermining the attractiveness of the Tanyard as a shopping location. Indeed, this particular proposal does not expect much trade from customers actually visiting the premises and therefore it would not add to the range of services being offered to users of Wickersley centre.

It is also relevant that the Council has a policy in its SPD on Equal and Healthy Communities to resist hot food takeaways that are located within 800 metres of schools due to the evidence of a link between such establishments and health concerns such as obesity. The application premises are located less than 800 metres from both Wickersley High School and St Albans Primary School. Whilst the SPD policy permits an exception where the premises are within a District Centre as in this case, it is nevertheless of concern that a further hot food takeaway will be within walking distance of 2 schools to add to the 5 that already exist in Wickersley Centre plus planning consent for a further such use at 186, Bawtry Road (formerly Healey's)

There is also concern at cars stopping and parking outside these premises at a point where there is restricted width causing congestion and backing up of traffic. Whilst there are double yellow lines outside the premises, this does not prevent this occurring outside the adjacent Pizza take away and a further take away in this location would exacerbate this issue.


284, Bawtry Road - Use of land as outdoor seating area

Wickersley Parish Council objection submitted on 4 November 2020

Wickersley Parish Council objects to this application on the grounds that it has already led to noise nuisance being experienced by the nearby residential properties since the area began to be used by the restaurant during the summer months. This restaurant, which is located in a primarily residential are, has recently been extended. At the time of that planning application the Parish Council and local residents expressed concern that it could lead to the grassed area being used as outdoor seating in association with the restaurant. In response, the applicant amended the application to remove bi-fold doors in the elevation facing the green and specifically confirmed to the planning officer that there was no intention of utilising that area as an outdoor eating area. Yet as soon as lockdown restrictions were lifted and the restaurant could reopen, the applicants broke that commitment and laid out a seating area which is now the subject of this retrospective application.

The restaurant already benefits from an outdoor seating area at the front of the restaurant and a conservatory area with a retractable roof. There is no justification to also use the land in question for outdoor seating given its location so close to residential property and the normal late opening of the restaurant which will inevitably lead to noise nuisance at unsocial hours.

We would also point out that, in recognition of the issues being experienced by Wickersley due to the concentration of licensed premises, the whole of Wickersley is now designated as a Cumulative Impact Zone which seeks to restrict further licenses within the area. It would therefore be inappropriate to permit any further planning consents, such as this, that would lead to additional noise nuisance being experienced by local residents in an area which already suffers from significant late-night disturbance which the Council is seeking to control.

Individual Objections to RB2020/1629

Mrs B McNeely

Mr N Judah

Mr A Bates

Mrs P Beighton

Mr P Thirlwall

Miss E Boswell

Mr A Gibson

RB2020/1284 4, Oaklands, Wickersley - Application for works to 3 TPO'd trees

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted on 21st September 2020

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the removal of the protected beech tree as appears to be of good quality and has significant amenity value as seen from Oaklands and Almond Glade. Indeed the neighbour has objected to the removal on the grounds that it is of value to them. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that the tree is causing any real issues for the property and unless such evidence is put forward it is considered that it should be retained and perhaps pruned as an alternative measure.

RB2020/1350 Land to rear of 46-50 Goose Lane - Erection of 2 dwellings with integral garages and widening of the existing access

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted on 21st September 2020

Wickersley Parish Council object to this development on the following grounds,

  1. The scale of the proposed dwellings is inappropriate for this backland development and will be overly dominant with regard to neighbouring properties on Goose Lane a number of which are bungalows.
  2. The proposed dwellings will overlook the rear gardens of a number of properties and cause significant loss of amenity and privacy to the occupants of those properties.
  3. The access to three properties will run directly alongside properties on Goose lane leading to unacceptable noise and disturbance to the occupants.
  4. The proposal involves loss of parking provision for No 46, Goose Lane with no indication of how this will be replaced without adding to on street parking and thus increasing existing congestion on Goose Lane
  5. The access onto Goose lane has inadequate pedestrian visibility due to the high boundary fencing around No 42, Goose lane. The additional traffic from two new dwellings will result in a danger to pedestrian safety

RB2020/0847 89 Green Lane, Wickersley - Demolition of garage and erection of new detached garage

Wickersley Parish Council submitted comments on 27th August 2020

Wickersley Parish Council wishes to point out that the application seeks consent for a detached garage only, whereas the submitted plans also show part of the building being used as a hairdressing salon. The description of development should therefore be amended accordingly.

The Parish Council wishes to raise objection to such a business use as no provision is shown for customer parking in a residential road, which is already congested with on street parking. Furthermore, this business activity could lead to disturbance and loss of amenity to neighbouring residential properties.

RB2020/1246 Merton Cottage, Woodland Close, Wickersley - Application to undertake works to a tree(s) protected by RMBC TPO No 07, 1977

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted 27th August 2020

Wickersley Parish Council wishes to raise an objection to the felling of these two trees, both of which are substantial specimens which have important amenity value. The reasons given for their proposed removal do not appear to be sufficient to justify the loss of these important specimens which make an important contribution to the streetscape.

RB2020/1051 Seasons 151-153 Bawtry Road, Wickersley. Change of use of first floor to restaurant (use class A3) and erection of two storey side extension

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted on 21st August 2020

Wickersley Parish Council objects to the change of use of the first floor of the premises to a restaurant use on the grounds that it would unacceptably add to the existing public nuisance already caused by the many A3 and A4 premises within Wickersley centre by reason of late night noise and disturbance, anti-social and drunken behaviour which particularly impacts on nearby residential areas.

The area has recently been made the subject of a Cumulative Impact Zone under licensing regulations in recognition that Wickersley has reached saturation point with regards to the number of licensed premises with negative impacts on the residential population caused by excessive drinking , late night noise and disturbance, litter, broken glass, higher crime associated with the night time economy and anti-social behaviour impacting in particular on the higher than average elderly population in Wickersley. Many of these issues are planning as well as licensing considerations.

It is acknowledged that the ground floor of the premises already has planning permission for use as a restaurant but this application would significantly increase the number of covers to 62 in total as evidenced in the recent licensing application as well as the proposed use of the outside of the premises to the front of the building and in the open courtyard area to the side. This has the potential to significantly intensify the use of the premises and lead to larger numbers of people leaving the restaurant late at night causing noise and other disturbance to nearby residents. In addition, there is no parking provision associated with these premises and there is already an acknowledged parking issue in Wickersley with more and more vehicles being parked in surrounding residential streets especially in the evenings due to the number of eating and drinking establishments.

It is therefore considered that this application should be refused on the grounds that it would unacceptably add to the cumulative adverse effect of A3 and A4 uses within Wickersley Centre through noise, disturbance and anti-social behaviour. This adversely affects the amenity of local residents especially at unsocial hours. Furthermore, the use will further exacerbate the shortfall of parking provision within Wickersley Centre leading to further unacceptable parking in surrounding residential streets.

In addition to the objection by Wickersley Parish Council, the following councillors object individually:

P Thirlwall

N Judah

P Beighton

E Boswell

S Horsfield

B McNeely

A Bates

RB2020/0890 7, Lings Lane - Erection of a bungalow with rooms in roofspace

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted on 21st August 2020

This application is located in the side garden of an existing semi detached property for which there is a separate application for a two storey and single storey rear extension (application RB2020/0889). The development of the whole side garden area , together with the proposed extension, would leave the existing property with very little amenity space and would be below the 60 sq m required for a three bedroomed property . Furthermore, there is no off-street parking provision shown for either property which would lead to on street parking in an already congested street. This does not meet RMBC requirements. Wickersley Parish Council wish to object to the application on that basis.

RB2020/1015 Land adjacent 2, Oaklands, Wickersley - Erection of 1 dwellinghouse.

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted on 21st August 2020

This application site contains a number of mature tress which are subject to TPO's. A previous application was refused in 2018 and dismissed at appeal on the grounds of negative impact on the health and structural safety of the protected trees through the need to excessively manage their size and shape to provide sufficient clearance of the building to provide access to minimum levels of sunlight. It was feared this would lead to increased pressure on the trees to be either heavily pruned or felled which would lead to a reduction of amenity.

The current application improves on the refused application by designing it so that most habitable rooms are oriented to face away from the trees . However, the house will still be surrounded on three sides by trees which will overshadow the property and could still lead to pressure to remove or heavily prune them in the future. Wickersley Parish Council consider that this application should therefore only be approved if the Borough Council's tree officer considers these concerns can be satisfactorily addressed.

RB2020/0507 33, Bawtry Road Demolition of garage, partial demolition of front and rear elevations and erection of two story front, side and rear extensions, creation of rooms in the roof space including dormer windows to front and rooflights to side and rear.

Wickersley Parish Council comments submitted on 29 April 2020

The proposed extensions and alterations to the dwelling are of an inappropriate scale, mass and height in relation to the surrounding area and will create a building of excessive size which will be overbearing in relation to its neighbours and out of character with the area. The scale of the proposed development is not materially different to that refused in 2018 and dismissed on appeal. The Parish Council sees no reason why this application should be treated any differently to that previously proposed on this site

Last updated: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 11:50