19th September 2024

Search Wickersley Parish Council

Working hard for the people of Wickersley

Displaying 1 to 30 of 52

M Woodhead - Register of Interests 2024

M Woodhead - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

M Scott - Register Of Interests 2024

M Scott - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

J Robinson - Register of Interests 2024

J Robinson - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

K Phillips - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

K Phillips - Register of Interests 2024

H Pacey - Register of Interests 2024

H Pacey - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

G Pacey - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

G Pacey - Declaration of Acceptance Vice Chair 2024

G Pacey - Register of Interests 2024

E Harwood - Register of Interests 2024

E Harwood - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

C Grimes - Register of Interests 2024

C Grimes Declaration of Acceptance 2024

M Godfrey - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

M Godfrey - Register of Interests 2024

P Beighton Register of Interests 2024

A Bates - Register of Interests 2024

A Bates - Declaration of Acceptance 2024

J Barber Declaration of Acceptance of Chair 2024

J Barber Declaration of Acceptance 2024

J Barber Register Of Interests 2024

Cllr G Pacey

Tue, 16 Apr 2024

Photograph of Cllr G Pacey

Wickersley North Ward - Notice of Uncontested Election

Wickersley South Ward - Notice of Uncontested Election

Wickersley North Ward - Statement of Persons Nominated

Wickersley South Ward - Statement of Persons Nominated.