8th September 2024

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Working hard for the people of Wickersley

Neighbourhood Plan


The Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan has now been formally adopted.

The adoption of the Plan followed a referendum of Wickersley residents in May 2022, in which the majority voted in favour of the plan. This means that it forms part of the Statutory Development Plan and must be taken into account when planning applications are decided by Rotherham Borough Council, along with policies in the Rotherham Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance. It is therefore an important document and will ensure that planning decisions take full account of local policies that reflect the aspirations of our community.

It is the culmination of a process that commenced in September 2017 when Wickersley Parish Council decided to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the entire civic parish area. It was in recognition that Wickersley is a popular place to live, work and visit and, as a result, is subject to considerable pressure for new housing development and changes to the village centre. It was therefore considered important for the local community to have the opportunity to produce a plan that would help Wickersley develop in a way that reflects the aspirations of local people and the particular characteristics of the place.

The Plan was overseen by a Steering Group that included community representatives and, at each stage of the plan preparation, the local community has had the opportunity to have their say on what policies should be included in the plan.

The Neighbourhood Plan is accompanied by the Wickersley Design Code which developers are required to take into account when drawing up proposals, and will ensure sustainable and high quality design which reflects the local character of the area.

The Neighbourhood Plan comprises 3 documents:

  • Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan
  • Appendix (to Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan)
  • Wickersley Design Code

Each of these documents can be viewed here:

Rotherham Borough Council's Decision Statement on adopting the Wickersley Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here:

The policies in the Plan cover the following topics:

  • High quality design
  • Stone walls
  • Community facilities and services
  • Locally listed buildings
  • The conservation area
  • Housing type and mix
  • Building for a healthy life
  • Sustainable homes and renewable energy
  • Biodiversity and green infrastructure
  • Local green spaces
  • Pedestrian and cycle connections
  • Parking solutions
  • Drinking establishments in the village centre
  • Shop frontages

The Design Code will guide all new development to ensure it is of high quality and in keeping with the distinctive character of different parts of Wickersley.


The Neighbourhood Plan has been through a number of statutory stages:

1. Draft Neighbourhood Plan, which was published in December 2020 and subject to an 8 week consultation period in which 25 responses were received. The Plan was then amended to take account of those comments, including those made by Rotherham MBC, as the Local Planning Authority.

The Statement of Consultation can be viewed here:

2. Submission Neighbourhood Plan, which was submitted to Rotherham MBC who then carried out a further period of consultation in September/October 2021 before finally being considered by an Independent Examiner.

3. Independent Examination of the Plan commenced on 1st December 2021. The Examiner issued his report on 19th January 2022 and recommended that, subject to a number of modifications, the Neighbourhood Plan met all the statutory requirements and can proceed to referendum.

The Examiner's report can be viewed here:

4. The Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan took place on 5th May 2022, when 80% of those who voted agreed that they were in favour of the Plan being used to help decide planning applications in the plan area. It has therefore now been formally adopted.

Last updated: Wed, 08 Jun 2022 14:16