18th October 2024

Search Wickersley Parish Council

Working hard for the people of Wickersley

Planning and Licensing

The role of Wickersley Parish Council

Planning Applications in the Wickersley parish are normally discussed at the monthly meeting of Wickersley Parish Council. Details of the meetings are shown in the Council Calendar. The Agenda for the forthcoming meeting is published at least 3 days prior to the meeting.

At all Full Parish Council meetings there is a section on the agenda where planning applications are discussed. The Parish Council carefully considers all planning applications and has the opportunity, like any parishioner, to comment on applications affecting the parish. These discussions are recorded and any objections are recorded along with reasons for the objections within the minutes of the meeting. While these comments can be to support or object to an application, it is the practice of Wickersley Parish Council to lodge comments only when there is an objection to an application.

Minutes of Parish Council meeting from 2018 are stored on this website and can be searched for using the search tab or meetings calendar and clicking on minutes of the meeting.

The role of Rotherham Borough Council

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council is the planning authority for this area (the decision making body) It can choose to take on board or ignore any comments made by the Parish Council.

An explanation of the full planning process, including planning policy, how to make a planning application as well as how to comment on an application can be found here on the Planning section of the Rotherham MBC website

The Parish Council is notified on a weekly basis of all the Planning Applications which have been made in the Wickersley Parish Council area.

Anyone who wishes to view or comment on a planning application can do so by going to the Rotherham Borough Council Planning Application page. Here you can search for individual applications using the application reference number, the postal address or via a map. For each application you can view the full details, see the progress of the application and, should you wish, make your comments - either in support or against.

This is where you can find out the deadline for the public consultation on an individual application - don't leave it too late!

Advice on commenting on a Planning application

Anyone can make a comment on a planning application.

1. However, the comments must relate to a 'material consideration' which is a matter that should be taken into account in deciding a planning application or on an appeal against a planning decision.

Material considerations can include (but are not limited to):

  • Overlooking/loss of privacy
  • Loss of light or overshadowing
  • Parking
  • Highway safety
  • Traffic
  • Noise
  • Effect on listed building and conservation area
  • Layout and density of building
  • Design, appearance and materials
  • Government policy
  • Disabled persons' access
  • Proposals in the Development Plan
  • Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
  • Nature conservation

However, issues such as loss of view, or negative effect on the value of properties are not material considerations.

2. Has the Parish Council objected to the application?

The comments and observations the Parish has made may be of help in formulating your objection. Remember - the number of individual objections lodged could be influential.

You may wish to check if Wickersley Parish Council has decided to lodge or lodged an objection.

The minutes of each Parish Council meeting record and objections the Parish has made and the reasons for doing so. Details of these meetings are shown in the Council Calendar.

You can also check on the Planning Objections page of this website. Here a record is kept of every objection made to a planning application and the date on which it was submitted to Rotherham Borough Council (the planning authority)

Numbers count

3. Numbers are important too!

  • If the Parish Council makes a comment - it counts as one comment
  • If a petition of 150 signatures is submitted - it counts as one comment
  • If one person submits a comment - it counts as one comment

Only applications that receive 5 or more objections are reported to the Planning Board where an opportunity is provided for objectors to make their case before a decision is made. So if you and your neighbours feel strongly about a planning matter and want to be heard you should all comment individually.

In cases where the Parish Council has strong objections to a planning application, the objection is accompanied by at least 4 additional objections from individual councillors to ensure an opportunity is provided to address the Planning Board

How to find out if work you are doing requires planning approval

Advice on whether or not planning permission is required can be found on the Government Planning Portal.

Any questions or advice should be sought from Rotherham Borough Council - the 'local planning authority

Licensing applications

Whilst not a statutory consultee, the Parish Council also receives a monthly list of Licensing applications received by RMBC. These are generally for alcohol or entertainment licenses associated with pubs, bars and restaurants. The Parish Council submits objections to these licenses where it has concerns and members of the public can do likewise either online or in writing (more information here on the Rotherham Borough Council website)

Any objection must relate to one of the licensing objectives which are as follows:

  • prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • prevention of public nuisance
  • protection of children from harm

Applications for licenses are advertised by notices attached to to or near the premises and in the local newspaper.

Cumulative Impact Policy

In Spring 2020 Rotherham Council introduced a stricter licensing policy for the granting of new or varied alcohol licenses for premises in Wickersley. A Cumulative Impact Zone has been designated in recognition that Wickersley Centre is now saturated with pubs, bars and late-night opening restaurants.

This policy was introduced following consultation with local residents who indicated they wanted to see stricter conditions to reduce the impact of late-night noise and nuisance, litter, crime and anti-social behaviour associated with drinking establishments in Wickersley.

Parish and local Councillors also fought hard for this Cumulative Impact Zone which is the first in Rotherham.

The policy means that, in future, there is a presumption against the granting of new or varied licenses unless the applicant can demonstrate that it will not add to the cumulative impact of existing licensed premises. The Cumulative Impact Policy which has specific reference to Wickersley provides lots of helpful information to assist in making comment on licensing applications.

The Council can only consider 'Cumulative Impact' to refuse an application if one or more representations are made. It is therefore important to look out for such applications advertised by notice on or near the premises should this matter be of concern to you.

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Last updated: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 11:33